Welcome to my blog!
Hi everyone! Thanks for coming to read my blog. I'll use this first post to tell you a bit about myself & what I'm doing here. I'm a Crime Scene Coordinator with the police in the UK, and this year I have been awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship in order to visit Human Taphonomy Facilites (commonly known as Body Farms) in Knoxville Tennessee and Sydney. The visits aren't for fun, though I'm sure I'll have a good time when I get there; I'm going to research how HTFs are run, and what the challenges are in running them. So - Why am I doing this ? HTFs are used in order to study how human remains decompose in different circumstances. This can be very important in police and forensic settings, as knowing how long a body has been there, or if it has been moved post mortem, can be vital when we are investigating murders. We can be looking for changes in the appearance of the body, as well as chemical differences,...